Page 1 - CaloiPalombo1990
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Hyshir, (n.s.) 2 (1990): 87-100



                        PLEISTOCENE HERBIVORES

                     LUCIA CALOI(*) & MARIA REA PALOMBO(*)

      The large Pleistacene herbivores of Mediterranean isiands beiong to four families:
Eiephantidae, Hippopotamidae, Cenidae and Bovidae. They originated in environments
characterized by peculiar features, different from the t y p i d habitats of their anestors.
This paper examines some aspects of the fuuctional morphology of these endemic forms
in relation with theu environment. Lightening of iimbs in eiephants are essenti* related
with size reduction, which aliows to move on uneven and steep grounds. Adaptations in

hippos to a more arid environment and uneven grounds are also shown by s p e k e n s with
scantily reduced size. Morpho-fuuctional variations in ceMds are connected with the life
habits rather than body sizq the various forms are characterized by a wide spectrum of

adaptations. Modifications in endemic bovids are less known with wrception of the dwarf
baleiuic bovids, in which the evolutionary process produced a loss of agili@ and speed.
Changes in size and in functional morphology are dways quicker and dependent on the
interaction of sevetal factors. in the evoiution of the endemic herbivores various phe-
nomena have to be considered: neoteny, achondroplastic dwarfism, hypermorphosis.The
presence/absence of iarge camivores has a stronger infiuence on the dimensional and
.morphebiometric variabiiity than on the body size reduction.
Key words: Proboscidea, Ungulata, Pleistoctne, Mediterranean islands, Adaptations.

      I grandi erbivori pieistocenici delle isole del Mediterranea sono in genere caratte-
rizzati da variazioni di taglia e di morfologia in parte dipendenti dalle diverse dimensioni
corporee acquisite, in parte legate a nuovi modi di vita. 'iàli elementi hanno diversa

incidenza nei proCessi evolutivi dei singoli taxa, m funzione dell'interagke di vari parame-
iri, ma in genere sussiste in ambiente insulare una stretta relapone tra condiponi fio-
grafiche e morfologia funzionale.
Parole chiave: Proboscidea, Ungulata, PleistoCene, Isole dei Mediterraneo,


   (*) Dipartimento di Scienze della %ma, UniversitB degti Studi di Roma "La
         Sapienza", P.le Aldo Moro, 5,00185Roma.

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